perm filename QUAL.MSG[NUM,DBL]2 blob sn#151684 filedate 1975-03-24 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
∂21-MAR-75  1151		1,MLM
 Am interested in AI qual; so what?

∂15-MAR-75  1055		network site SRI
 Date: 15 MAR 1975 1054-PDT
 To:   TW at SU-AI
 cc:   DBL at SU-AI
 	I was glancing through the material on the proposed content of the
 AI qual in your file SYL.PUB[AI,TW] (saw Doug Lenat's note on the subject
 when I signed on at AI recently) and noticed that you want to know the most
 up-to-date short MYCIN reference.  I think the best paper for your purposes
 would be the one which will appear in "Computers And Biomedical Research",
 Volume 8, in June of this year.  A copy of the draft of this paper will
 appear in Cordell's syllabus for CS206 this spring, so copies should be
 readily available even though the paper will not yet have appeared in press.
 It is authored by myself, Randy Davis, Stan Axline, Bruce Buchanan, Cordell,
 and Stan Cohen.  Title is "Computer-Based Consultations in Clinical Thera-
 peutics:  Explanation and Rule Acquisition Capabilities of the MYCIN
 	The whole syllabus looks like a good summary of what is happening
 in the field, so I'll look forward to listing the whole thing once SUMEX
 gets on the net and I can FTP a copy down here.  Seldom have a chance to
 stop by the AI lab at present.

∂14-MAR-75  0132		SEC,TW
  *** Doug, do you think we should try ordering copies from NTIS or
      Xerox the ones we have, or what?  Do whatever seems best and
      if it involves a budget, go ahead and pay and I'll be sure
      you get reimbursed.  Thanks --t	*****
 ∂13-MAR-75  0625		network site AI
  Date: 13 MAR 1975 0925-EDT
  From: SUZIN at MIT-AI
  To: tw at SU-AI
  hi your messages.
  bad news about the 1974 Progress Report.  We are all out of it and it probably 
  won't be reprinted until May at which point we will have 1000 or so printed.  It's
  going to be revised and we can't afford to print up just a few copies.  It is
  available from National Technical Information Service, but they have not notified
  me as to what the AD number is, though I'm sure you can still order it.  Their 
  address is:
  NTIS, Operations Division, Springfield, Virginia
  Unfortunately I can't tell you how much they would charge.  It cost us a fortune to
  print so we really have to charge for it, especially for quantity.In the meantime,
  I'll see if I can get an AD numer out of NTIS.  It's a bitch to call them up
  since one gets the royal gov't runaround!
  love, suzin

∂12-MAR-75  1833		1,TW
 no, don't merge in the whole list -- it's too long and scattered.  I was
 just suggesting it as a source of already machine-read-in detailed references
 for those things we decided we wanted.

∂12-MAR-75  1827		1,TW
 I just got an extesive reference list from Danny Bobrow.  It is in
 REFS.PUB[AI,TW] and should give the details for at least some
 of the references we want.  Just for consistency, why don't
 we use the same format, and then the two lists can be
 merged and cleaned up (the one he gave me is obviously a
 merge, since there is lots of redundancy in it).

∂11-MAR-75  1923		1,TW
 I did some more work on the syllabus.  I made major changes to the
 mechanics at the end, which I would like to discuss.  I wanted to list
 the references separately for two reasons.  First, I think it is easier
 to grasp a list if it appears on fewer pages.  Including all the references
 internally would expand it in terms of the amount you need to scan for
 any one outline entry.  Second, some items are referred to over and over,
 and its annoying on a repeated reference to have to thumb back to some
 other section to find the details.  It's easier if they're all in a consistent
 place.  The Key words I have used are more or less mnemonic for me, but
 I would be glad to change any individual ones.  I do find that key word
 mnemonics are better than plain reference numbers (worst) or dates (better but
 still confusing).  The reference list is then alphabetical by author and
 key word and gives all the relevant details.  I think the reference list
 would be the right place to include annotations (like which chapters and
 pages of a long document are most relevant and readable, or what earilier
 work this references replaces).  I believe the list is more or less complete,
 and we need to think about some sort of priority marking since it is too
 much to expect everyone to read.  I would like to send it around to Cordell,
 Dave Luckham, Tom Binford, etc. in the next couple of days to get their
 comments on the sections they know best, and then leave you and David Levy
 (if you have time) to clean it up, fill in details of publication and PUB
 out a decent copy while I am gone (I am leaving Fri and won't be back until
 April 2).  I'll be around most of the day tomorrow (Wed) so lets try to
 get together. --terry

∂05-MAR-75  1739		1,TW
 SYL.PUB[AI,TW] is a start towards the qual syllabus.  At the moment
 I want to expand it to include everything we might possibly want,
 including both topics and specific references.  Later we can prune
 or better, indicate priorities.  Go ahead and dump suggestions and
 comments right into the file.  I would like to get a reasonable
 version by the end of next week if at all possible.

C00001 00001
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C00006 ENDMK
∂25-FEB-75  1400		BPM,BPM
 As of today there are nine people signed up for the AI Qual.

∂25-FEB-75  1307		BPM,BPM
 It looks like Terry Winograd will be the AI Qual chairman.  He is leaning toward
 giving individual two-hour orals to everyone.  Each oral would be given by
 three people: one of the professors (Winograd, Green, Feigenbaum, and perhaps
 Baskett), a research associate (e.g., Binford, Buchanan, Luckham, etc.), and
 an outsider (e.g., Bobrow, Raphael, Nilsson, etc.).  Winograd isn't too hot
 on students being on orals committees.  You may feel otherwise.  In any case,
 I told him that you were the student appointed to the AI Qual Committee, so you
 should go talk to him about it.  There is no guarantee the thing will be an
 oral at this point; one of the things you could help on is check with the
 Department office at Polya and find out who has signed up for the Qual and see
 how they feel about a two-hour oral versus, say, an eight-hour written exam.
 Even if Winograd decides on an oral (actually it should be the AI faculty
 plus you that decides), he may want help organizing the reading list, oral
 committees, exam times, etc.  Good luck and let me know what's happening.